Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Undecided superdelegates don't feel bound by primaries

Many of the Democratic superdelegates who are still undecided say the most important factor in their decision is simple — they just want a winner in November.

Problem is, after nearly four months of primaries and caucuses in 46 states, territories and the District of Columbia, they still aren't sure who that is, don't seem be in any hurry to make up their minds and aren't interested in any artificial process that might force them to choose between Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Most of the more than 100 undecided superdelegates who discussed their decision-making with The Associated Press in the past two weeks agreed that the primaries and caucuses do matter — whether it's who has the most national delegates or the candidate who won their state or congressional district. But few said the primaries will be the biggest factor in their decision.

"I think it's really important that we keep our eye on the prize, and the prize is the win in November," said Gail Rasmussen, an undecided superdelegate from Oregon.

That's good news for Clinton, who cannot catch Obama in delegates won in the few remaining primaries and caucuses.

The interesting (& annoying if your a Hillary backer) thing about this is that all the reporting & commentary I've seen basically parrots Obama's talking points concerning pledged delegates. This is the first time I think I've seen anyone actually talk to a bunch of them & it's not that huge of a factor who has the most pledged delegates.

Fair play!