Survey USA finds Clinton leading McCain, Obama trailing McCain in Missouri

The latest Survey USA poll has good news for John McCain and Hillary Clinton supporters in the Show-Me State. But Barack Obama's efforts to put Missouri into play if he is the Democratic nominee still have much work.

The poll was conducted last weekend in the middle of the furor over Obama saying Midwesterners cling to God and guns but before the ABC debate.

Survey USA, which has had a good track record in the primary season, finds Clinton leads McCain 47 to 46 percent, which is within the margin of error. The good news for Clinton supporters is that she has steadily gained against McCain since March in the Show-Me State. He had led in the two previous polls by close numbers.

But McCain leads Obama 50 to 42 percent, which is outside the margin of error.

It's been a good day for Hillary poll-wise. While the gallop one showing her recapturing the national lead is probably the big news, it's nice to also see she's still tops in Missouri.

Fair play!