• Wave 1

    # Tom Baker The Fourth Doctor
    Fourth Doctor Tom Baker with 2nd Head and Sonic Screwdriver as seen in the four part serial Revenge of the Cybermen (1975). Features The Fourth Doctor (1974-1981) in velvet jacket and long scarf and includes interchangeable heads; one with wide-brimmed hat, one without. The Cybermen are on a mission to destroy asteroid Voga with its huge resource of gold, the nemesis of the Cybermen, when they run up against The Fourth Doctor

    # Peter Davison The Fifth Doctor
    Fifth Doctor Peter Davison (1982-1984) with Sonic Screwdriver, cream-coloured long coat and cricket jumper as seen in the two part serial Resurrection of the Daleks (1984) in which The Doctor battles to prevent the Daleks from releasing Davros, their creator, from a prison space station

    # Colin Baker The Sixth Doctor
    Sixth Doctor Colin Baker with Sonic Lance as seen in the two part episode Attack of the Cybermen (1985) with multi-coloured long coat. The 6th Doctor (1984-1986) must foil a Cybermen plot to redirect the path of Halley's Comet and prevent a catastrophic collision with Earth

    # Sea Devil
    Sea Devil with Heat Ray. This species of reptilian amphibians first appeared confronting Third Doctor John Pertwee in The Sea Devils (1972), resurfacing in Warriors of the Deep (1984). The Sea Devils are cold-blooded humanoid reptiles with large eyes and hook-shaped turtle beaks. Aggressive in nature they sport handheld weapons and chain mail effect body armour

    # Zygon
    As seen in the Forth Doctor Tom Baker era four-part episode Terror of the Zygons (1975). The Zygons are shape-shifters, though the natural Zygon form is of a dome-headed, orange humanoid biped with multiple octopus-like suckers. The chief warlord of the Zygons is Broton. Importantly, the Zygon carry a signalling device to summon the Skarasen, a cybernetic organism, on whose lactic fluid they depend

    # SV7 Super Voc and D84 D Class Robots
    These robot droids are from the four part Fourth Doctor episode The Robots of Death (1977). Aboard Storm Mine 4, an enormous sandminer vehicle searching for minerals on a far off planet, Fourth Doctor Tom Baker encounters robots reprogrammed to destroy their human colleagues. The silver-coloured Super Voc robots, like SV7, can speak and control the other robots.

    # D84
    Apparently of lower artificial intelligence, D84 is in reality an agent robot planted by the mining company to spy on deranged scientist Taren Capel

    # Magnus Greel & Mr Sin
    From the Tom Baker 4th Doctor serial The Talons of Weng-Chiang (1977). The murderous Magnus Greel, ex-'Justice' Minister of the Supreme Alliance is culpable in the deaths of tens of thousands. Mr Sin is a cybernetic organism, a toy robot with pig parts, also from the 51st century with a prediliction for destruction. Mr Sin flees with Magnus Greel to 19th century China where Greel manipulates the sinister cult of Weng-Chiang in order to relocate his missing time cabinet. Magnus Greel wears a black and gold Samurai outfit and warrior's helmet; the figure includes a 2nd Head accessory

    # K-1
    K-1 Robot as seen in the fourth Doctor’s first episode in 1974. Each Wave 1 Classic Series figure pack comes with a different collectable part of the giant K-1 robot. When all eight packs are collected, the giant K-1 robot can be fully assembled. Classic figures with robot parts included are Tom Baker and the robot’s hip, Peter Davidson and the robot’s right arm and Colin Baker plus the robot’s upper chest. Other figures and monsters each with a robot part include the Sea Devil, Zygon, Magnus Greel & Mr Sin, SV7 and D84

    # Classic Dalek Set
    The Classic Dalek Set features three 5" Daleks from the Classic Series episodes. The three Daleks included are as seen in The Dead Planet (1963), The Planet of the Daleks (1973) and Genesis of the Daleks (1975)

    Wave 2

    * 7th Doctor Sylvester McCoy
    Seventh Doctor (1987-1996) Sylvester McCoy without Hat as seen in Ghost Light (1989)
    * 8th Doctor
    * Ice Warrior
    First appeared in The Ice Warriors (1967) as heavily armoured reptiles with claw hands
    * Morbius Monster
    With 'goldfish bowl' head and giant crab claw as seen in The Brain of Morbius (1976) alongside Fourth Doctor Tom Baker and companion Sarah Jane Smith
    * Mummy with Jar
    The Mummy robot will include an urn accessory. As seen in Pyramids of Mars (1975) with Tom Baker and Sarah Jane Smith
    * Tenth Planet Cyberman
    10th Planet Cyberman finished in semi-transparent plastic. As seen in the four part serial The Tenth Planet (1966), featuring the First Doctor William Hartnell. In the first ever appearance of The Cybermen they land at the Antarctic on a mission to relocate all humans to the planet Mondas for transformation into Cybermen
    * Voc Robot
    In green with number stickers
    * Extra Figure
    Collect all the figures in the wave to assemble an extra figure, like the K-1 Robot in Wave 1 figure packs

    Wave 3

    * 3rd Doctor
    Third Doctor Who Jon Pertwee (1970-1974)
    * Special Weapons Dalek
    As seen in the four part serial Remembrance of the Daleks (1988). The heavy Special Weapons Dalek has the white and gold Imperial Dalek livery but has far thicker Dalekanium casing. In place of the plunger arm and eye-stalk it has a front-mounted energy cannon with up to 50 times greater firepower
    * Daleks
    Possibly to include first appearance version Dalek, Supreme Dalek and 'Revelation' Daleks with bombs strapped to them
    * Season 12 Gift Set
    To be revised. Classic series figure set featuring characters from the 1974-75 period. Possibly including Bessie the yellow car which first appeared with John Pertwee
    * Classic retro Tardis
    Featuring sloped roof, matt paint finish, blue-backed warning notice and no St. John's Ambulance logo