Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
It's interesting to see a staunch conservative like Pat Buchanan so consistently critical of John McCain:

Does this mean you're not voting for him?

I admire Buchanan, but I don't agree with him on everything.

I haven't decided who I'll vote for.
My candidate of choice was Romney, who I considered the most intelligent, capable, and proven candidate.
But that ship has sailed.

I think McCain is on the surface the lesser of the remaining three evils. But on immigration, he's equally bad as Hillary or Obama (or W. Bush).
On foreign policy McCain seems short-sighted and overly ideological.
If FDR felt the same way about Russia and our allies in the Middle East as McCain, we might not have won World War II. (Although Carter, Bill Clinton, and both Hillary and Obama have manifested similar posturing stupidity, as in the example of suggesting we boycott the Beijing Olympics).
And McCain's opinion that free trade in its current form is perfectly OK. It's not.

I've debated whether it would be better to elect Hillary or Obama and let the Democrats fail and take the blame for 4 years, than to elect a Republican that I disagree with on so many issues, who would further (like W. Bush) misrepresent what a Republican is really supposed to be.

I've even weighed Ron Paul (arguably the most Constitutional), and Ralph Nader. In Nader's case, I think his moment has passed, and I increasingly disagree with his solutions, despite my respect for him.

I know you were probably just trolling, but I gave a serious answer anyway.