Originally Posted By: Adler
"you guys" pretty much means G-man and wondy.

Well, for my part, the only comment I had was that I thought Buchanan's pun was vaguely racist and, therefore, damaging to his credibility on the issue. Beyond that, I've pretty much said the same sort of thing as Doc (and, for that matter, BSAMS and a few others including, I think, WB on this issue), namely, that Obama has been duplicitous about race in this campaign.

At the same time, I've also praised Obama when I thought he rose above that sort of thing.

So, I'm not sure how you can lump me into some sort of "racist against Obama" catagory, other than the fact that you've always tended to display the same knee jerk response as people like Rev. Wright, namely, that anyone who disagrees with a race baiter must be racist.