Originally Posted By: the G-man
MEM, let me ask you a serious question.

If, as Hillary and her supporters like to say, the question is "electability," that is, who has the best chance in November, doesn't the fact that her campaign is currently in the red undercut the argument that she's more electable?

Right or wrong, campaigns are about money and Obama has a lot more of it than she does. Furthermore, a certain amount of his money presumably comes from sources that would not necessarily donate to Hillary.

So, while Hillary might be enjoying a blip in a poll or two, given Obama's clearly superior fundraising skills, isn't she really much less electable than he is?

Given that reasoning McCain is doomed, correct?

However what you & Whomod leave out in Hillary's case is that it's not that she's in the red because of donations being down. The previous time Whomod posted the fundraising to show that Hillary was finished (how many times has that been been decried & yet here she is poised to win one of the biggest states) it ended up being her second biggest amount she's raised during the nomination process. The campaign is reporting that their online donations are on the rise & the 2.5 million that Elton John raised hasn't been added in either. If she wins PA she'll probably also see a further increase in donations.

If it was a case of the incoming donations drying up I could see where your coming from but I think you would have to agree that isn't the case here G-man.

Fair play!