One of the difficulties for the superdelegates is trying to gauge how much of Hillary's win was actual support and how much was Rush Limbaugh fucking with the Democrat Party.

It can scarcely be denied that Rush Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" helped build Hillary's 10-point margin in Pennsylvania. More than 160,000 Republican voters switched their registration to Democrat in advance of Tuesday's primary, and undoubtedly many of those were hard-core 'Dittoheads' who did just what Limbaugh has been suggesting for weeks: Vote for Hillary, in order to produce a deadlock in the Democratic presidential nomination fight.

Also, if Clinton is behind in both the popular vote and pledged delegates, as seems very likely, what would the consequences be of nominating her anyway? Would turning off large numbers of young voters, blacks, and enthusiastic small donors be even worse than rolling the dice with Obama?

(That's not a rhetorical question. I am actually wondering what the net effect here would be)

At the same time, I'm sure some of the superdelegates will be wondering: if Barack Obama's problems with white working class voters in key states like Ohio and Pennsylvania carry over into the general election, where is he going to make up that lost ground? If Hillary Clinton, Wellsley graduate and feminazi, can beat Obama among culturally conservative blue-collar Democrats -- including pro-life Catholics -- won't John McCain?

Of course, being democrats, and obsessed with affirmative action, race, gender and class, I have a feeling the superdelegates will really be looking at which "oppressed class" needs a bigger boost: women or black men.