Originally Posted By: BSAMS

Hilary has been more of a centrist than Obama in the Senate.

Being "more of a centrist than Obama in the Senate" hardly makes one a moderate. And, it's not necessarily the case that she is more centrist at all.

The media and other groups typically discuss how "liberal", "moderate" or "conservative" a Senator is according to their ACU scoring. Under this scoring process, Senators and Represenatives are rated from "0" to "100." The lower the score, the more liberal the politician is.

Hillary's lifetime ranking is a "9", only one point higher than Obama's "8."

Similar analyses have been performed by the liberal group Americans for Democratic Action. These rankings score politicians from zero up to 100 also, but use a different methodology in which the higher the score means the more liberal a Senator is.

Under the ADA scoring system Hillary's voting record is scored as tied with Obama's.

And those aren't the only groups that have found her record to be very liberal. For example, a 2004 analysis by political scientists at Stanford University found her to be the sixth-to-eighth-most liberal Senator.

I realize that Hillary's spin machine has been working hard to fool people in other states into thinking she's a moderate. However, she is, unfortunately, my Senator. So I see how she operates every day. And, while she may be talking a moderate game to fool people in other states, on average she is no better than Obama on the bulk of issues.

Oh, and one more thing. I'll let PJP get in the last word on this post:
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
Hillary's a cunt