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Indiana's largest paper picks Clinton
Email|Link|Comments (3)Posted by Foon Rhee, deputy national political editor May 2, 2008 09:47 AM

In the stretch run of the Indiana primary race, Hillary Clinton picked up the endorsement today of the state's largest newspaper, which called her "well prepared for the rigors of the White House" and "tough, experienced, and realistic about what can and cannot be accomplished on the world stage."

The Indianapolis Star praised Barack Obama's eloquence and his ability to connect with voters "many who formerly felt disenfranchised."

It also criticized Clinton for pandering to voters by proposing a summer gas tax holiday -- an idea panned by most economists and unlikely to pass in Congress.

But in what it described as a "difficult choice," the newspaper's editorial board said that Clinton's "years of high-level experience" gives her the edge.

The next president "will take office at a time of extraordinary risk for this nation, both at home and abroad," including "a sagging economy, rising energy and food costs, the gap in health care, wars in two countries and threats from Iran," the endorsement editorial said. "Clinton is the better choice, based on her experience and grasp of major issues, to confront those challenges."

Of Obama, the editorial said, "His inexperience in high office is a liability."
The polls seem to be showing Hillary with some momentum. It was unthinkable not to long ago that she could win NC & now it appears Obama's double digit lead evaporated.

Fair play!