She's broke and dispirited!!!

The New York Times:

Mrs. Clinton’s advisers acknowledged that the results of the primaries were far less than they had hoped, and said they were likely to face new pleas even from some of their own supporters for her to quit the race. They said they expected fund-raising to become even harder now; one adviser said the campaign was essentially broke, and several others refused to say whether Mrs. Clinton had lent the campaign money from her personal account to keep it afloat.

The advisers said they were dispirited over the loss in North Carolina, after her campaign — working off a shoestring budget as spending outpaces fund-raising — decided to allocate millions of dollars, some key operatives and full days of the candidate and her husband there.

The Clinton people were stilL trying to make the Florida and Michigan argument. The only problem now is that it's become irrelevant. Even if she gets BOTH states, it's not enough. IT'S OVER!!!!!

Hillary's people tried to argue that even if Obama reaches the 2,025 delegates he needs to become our nominee, Hillary will continue to contest the election until Florida and Michigan are seated. Yeah, only one little problem. NBC's Chuck Todd, who is brilliant and highly respected on such things, just said that you can give Hillary Florida and Michigan - on her terms - and she still loses the nationwide delegate count and the popular vote. She still loses the nomination.

"If you threw in both Florida and Michigan, you will still look at a popular vote lead of some 150 to 200,000. If you throw in those delegates in her math you will have almost 100 delegate lead there for Obama. This was a big night because it really almost erases the doubt as far as Florida and Michigan is concerned too. You can throw those numbers in there and they really don't change the math that much for Obama." - Chuck Todd, NBC, May 6, 2008, 11:40PM

The petulant tantrum of perceived entitlement is finally over!


Now her only avenue is to still stay in the running and do nothing but try to destroy Obama's fall chances so she can run again in 2012. Which as she and her husband have shown them,selves to be selfish egotists, I actually half expect her to do. That or start the Hillary For President Party.