Note the bottom of the image. Yep. She lent herself 6.4 million last month to stay afloat on the heels of the disclosures that her campaign was deep in debt. This on top of a 5 million loan before that.

She's done. I seriously doubt her performance last night is inspiring anyone, save MEM to donate more money to her. And the big donors who her campaign relied on are all tapped out already. It's just going to peter out from here on in, financially for her.

All Obama needs to generate money is to basically ask for another round of 10-20 dollar small donations from his supporters and it's as if it's falling from the sky. Yet we're still treated to incessant spin about how he's the weaker candidate, how he can't close the deal, as if Hilary closed anything last night, and how he's damaged goods, never mind that it's Hillary doing all the damaging. And despite the damaging,arguably the worst of his campaign, he still manages to score an impressive win and outdo Hillary Clinton. So who's unable to close the deal?