Obama should just be gracious now and give her Florida and split Michigan. It's not as if it's going to help Hillary anyway. But maybe with that, she'll finally go away and stop being an incessant nuisance.

The Washington Post:

"Absent some sort of miracle on May 31st, it's going to be tough for us," said a senior Clinton official who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to be frank. "We lost this thing in February. We're doing everything we can now . . . but it's just an uphill battle."

As voters went to the polls yesterday, Clinton tried to recast the terms of the race, telling reporters that the number of delegates needed to win is "2,209," rather than the 2,025 needed without Michigan and Florida.

I'm curious as to whether the Clinton camp is going to continue with their new math considering that now Florida and Michigan don't make a lick of difference. She can't fall back on the popular vote argument. Never mind that the nominee isn't picked that way., The suerdelegates will now start to swing decisively to Obama. So what other rule can she rewrite? Short of pushing Obama into her sniper fire, she's over.

Wesley Clark, a Clinton supporter has also reportedly called Hillary telling her it's over.

Russert on MSNBC: “We now know who the Democratic nominee is going to be, and no one is going to dispute it.”

NY Times’ Nagourney: “If anything, Mrs. Clinton’s options for overtaking Senator Barack Obama may have dwindled further.”

TIME’s Michael Scherer: “Clinton ended the night no closer to winning the nomination than when she began the day - in fact, she emerged an even bigger mathematical long-shot…”

LA Times’ Wallsten: “Clinton is preparing to push the contest beyond the voting phase of the process and into the realm of committee meetings and credentialing rules…”

Plus: WashPost quoting “senior Clinton official”: “Absent some sort of miracle on May 31st, it’s going to be tough for us. We lost this thing in February. We’re doing everything we can now . . . but it’s just an uphill battle.”

..but Bill and Chelsea's faces last night told the tale more forcefully than any of that. I half expected Chelsea to cry.