Would Hillary like some cheese with that whine?

Watch this video of Hillary today. It's petulant, arrogant, whiny, and just overall makes her look like a spoiled and entitled brat. She is looking and acting and sounding like one of her pushy surrogates, not like a presidential candidate. Whining about how you should have won it already is something your staff says - if at all - not you. Seriously, look at her face, listen to the tone of her voice, and look at her body language. I think this is going to turn a lot of people off. The sooner this arrogant bitch is shown the door, the happier all Democrats will ultimately be.

Oh, and one more thing. It's been clear from the beginning that someone forget to tell Hillary, "we're not Republicans."

Oh, and MEM, your fellow gays just unendorsed Hillary. They just called on Hillary to give it up, after previously endorsing her. Even a diva can grate on people when she's a petulant loser.

IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!