Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The problem is Hillary is right & is just stating the obvious. Obama wasn't able to win key swing states & voters that he'll need to win in a general. If the party is really interested in picking the candidate who has the best shot, it's something that needs to be looked at.
I suppose my party will probably end up pretending that even though Obama outspent Hillary in states like PA & had plenty of time to win those votes that it doesn't matter because he has a padded pledged delegate lead with wins in red states that won't be wins in a general election.

You almost sound bitter that Obama had more money to spend because he had more grass roots support among Democrats, independents and new voters (as well as Republicans) who he energized. You want Hillary to catch up, why don't you drop Harvey Weinstein a letter and tell him to pony up some more cash. You did read the TIME article I posted where they analyzed her big mistakes, didn't you? This would be mistake # 4.