Obama picks up 9 superdelegates, union endorsement

By JOAN LOWY, Associated Press Writer Fri May 9, 4:54 PM ET

WASHINGTON - Barack Obama all but erased Hillary Rodham Clinton's once-imposing lead among national convention superdelegates on Friday and won fresh labor backing as elements of the Democratic Party began coalescing around the Illinois senator for the fall campaign.

Obama picked up the backing of nine superdelegates, including Rep. Donald Payne of New Jersey, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus who had been a Clinton supporter.

In addition, the American Federation of Government Employees announced its support for Obama. The union claims about 600,000 members who work in the federal and Washington, D.C., governments.

Obama, who won a convincing victory in the North Carolina primary and lost Indiana narrowly on Tuesday, has been steadily gaining strength in the days since.

the superdelegates are really flocking to Obama now. It's been a steady stream all day. Expect it to continue thru the weekend. Especially now that Hillary has played her hand and the superdelegates see that she really has no real interest in a Democrat winning the White house if it isn't her.

Bye bye Hillary.