Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Ted Kennedy says Hillary not fit for veep
  • Ted Kennedy, the aging liberal lion of the Democratic Party, took a nasty bite out of Hillary Clinton Friday, saying she shouldn't be vice president because the job requires "real leadership."

    "I don't think it's possible," Kennedy, a Barack Obama supporter, told Bloomberg Television when asked about an Obama-Clinton ticket.

    Kennedy added that he hoped Obama would choose a running mate who is "in tune with his appeal for the nobler aspirations of the American people.

    "And I think if we had real leadership - as we do with Barack Obama - in the number-two spot as well, it'd be enormously helpful," he added.

This fress up Obama to tell her to go fuck herself without Hillary twisting it to be because she's a woman, white, a war hero or whatever.

I was kind of wondering if this was a bit of coordination on their part. Obama talks about Hillary being on anyone's short list, a comment that on the one hand makes him looks contrite but it's vague enough so it's nothing he can be held to. Meanwhile Kennedy comes out with this toxic statement. Has Obama said anything publicly about Kennedy's comment?

Fair play!