
It's almost sad. it's still a bit funny and somewhat frustrating that this diva can't bow out gracefully and that MEM can't sem to remove his head from her backside, but ...it's over, dude.

If you understand the rules & the nomination process it's as Nancy Pelosi said...not over. Obama may be the likely nominee but there is still time & a couple of states where Hillary could win by some very large margins. Obama has not proven that he can win vital states the democrats need to carry in the general election. Hillary has though & I think that's why there's been this pressure to get her to drop out even before PA.

What I find truly sad is that you & other Obama supporters wanted the process to end once Obama started losing & you've just gotten meaner as it's continued. This is a competition for the most important elected position we have, neither is entitled to a premature corronation nor is it ultimatley healthy for the party for that to happen.

Fair play!