Poll: Clinton far ahead in West Virginia
By The Associated Press – 1 hour ago
THE RACE: The presidential race for Democrats in West Virginia
Hillary Rodham Clinton, 60 percent
Barack Obama, 24 percent
Though Obama seems on the verge of capturing the Democratic nomination, two-thirds in this poll of likely Democratic voters in Tuesday's West Virginia primary said Clinton should stay in the race. Nearly three-quarters said she is not hurting the party by competing in the remaining contests. About four in 10 view Obama unfavorably and about the same number have positive views of him, a bad ratio for a candidate. Just four in 10 say they would vote for the Democratic nominee in this fall's general election if their choice is not the candidate, with nearly a quarter saying they would back Republican John McCain and three in 10 undecided.


A 40 percent lead like that should be pretty hard to ignore and this is after the press & Obama supporters have already prematurely corronated him.

Fair play!