Upcoming Clinton Victories Ring Hollow Against Delegate Math

  • Even if Clinton wins 100 percent of the vote and the accompanying 275 delegates available — including superdelegates — in the six remaining Democratic contests, she will end up short of the 2,025 delegates needed to win the presidential nomination.

    Even if Florida and Michigan, which were penalized for holding their primaries early, are counted, it is very difficult for Clinton to overcome Barack Obama in the numbers race.

    David Gergen, former White House adviser to Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton, said in an AP Broadcast interview in San Francisco, “She says ‘full steam ahead,’ (but) her problem is that she’s running out of track.”

    “She was the inevitable nominee and I think they misjudged what they were up against,” Gergen added. “Along comes this phenomenon named Barack Obama and upsets everybody’s calculations. The real problem in the (Clinton) campaign was that they weren’t adaptable, they were not able to change game plan right in the middle once it looked like they had a real fight on their hands.”

And, please note, this scenario assumes she wins one hundred percent of the delegates form here on, which she obviously won't.