Originally Posted By: Whomod
right now I think the FOX news pundits' heads are exploding. In order to help McCain they're pretty much going to have to contradict 7 years of furious spin and ridicule.

As G-man has pointed out in multiple posts, the New York Times, Washington Post, CBS News, and other liberal partisans masking as journalists, have attempted to distort the record or outright slander McCain to advance the Democrat rival they favor.

There's plenty of contradiction to ridicule in both Hillary and Obama.

And again, if you're going to slantedly imply that the polls favor the Democrats, you might want to disclose that the only ones with lower favorable polls than W.Bush, are the Democrat leadership in Congress.

So clearly, the polls show people see flaws in Democrat political leadership, even if you, in your partisan gloating and hate, do not.