Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: Whomod
right now I think the FOX news pundits' heads are exploding. In order to help McCain they're pretty much going to have to contradict 7 years of furious spin and ridicule.

As G-man has pointed out in multiple posts, the New York Times, Washington Post, CBS News, and other liberal partisans masking as journalists, have attempted to distort the record or outright slander McCain to advance the Democrat rival they favor.

There's plenty of contradiction to ridicule in both Hillary and Obama.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

What the fuck did your entire post have to do with McCain saying global warming is real and a man made problem that needs to be tacked immediately. Not to mention chastising the past 7 years of inaction and failed leadership on the issue.

Unless you're just trying to dodge the entire fact that McCain just contradicted the GOP position on global warming. It's certainly welcome. But as I said, I seriously doubt he'd give the same speech, say at the GOP convention or with a business audience.

What I want to see though are the right wing talking heads who mock and ridicule global warming to now defend McCain on this. Therin lies comedy gold.

First off, you hacked out half of what I posted, in an effort to paint it as incoherent.

Second, my point is: McCain didn't "contradict" the GOP's position on global warming. He simply stated his own view. Many Republicans have variant opinions on many issues.

What I support McCain in saying is: Maybe global warming is real, and maybe it's not. People disagree on whether evidence indicates global warming, or just natural cycles of the earth. But if it's possible to reduce greenhouse gasses, then why not do that? And that's the position McCain advocates.

Most of the "Right wing talking heads" who mock and ridicule global warming (Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchanan, etc.) Have done anything BUT defend McCain.

Pull your head out of your partisan ass, and see the Republicans for what they truly are, a group of patriotic people with a wide range of opinions, rather than as the lock-step evil machine you like to pretend they are.

Even as YOU weave endless deceits to advance your liberal hatred of Republicans. Everything you allege Republicans to be, is every deceitful and malicious thing you have proven yourself to be, in your attempts to slander Republicans.
You manufacture these stereotypes of Republicans as perpetuators of stereotypes, even as you create false stereotypes of Republicans, and allege that they, not you, are the ones doing the stereotyping.

You want comedy gold? Just watch some of the parodies of Obama and Hillary going at each other, on Saturday Night Live.

Obama's gaffs with Rev. Wright alone could fill a season of SNL episodes.