Originally Posted By: the G-man
Apparently, Obama thinks there are fifty-seven states.

Rush Limbaugh thinks that this was a Freudian slip and Obama was thinking of the fifty-seven Islamic states. I tend to think he's being too hard on Obama. However, I gotta admit: if Dan Quayle, George W. Bush, or any republican, had miscounted the number of states, the press would be having a field day with it.

Praise Allah!

Regarding reference to Arab states, The "OBAMA: Muslim Wolf in Christian Wool" article already revealed Obama campaigned for a cousin in Kenya, among things to impose Sharia law in every part of Kenya (in a nation that is only 6% muslim, no less).

It might also be a passing thought to would-be first lady Theresa Heinz Kerry, and her famous 57 ketchup, and that Obama plans to join her flipping burgers somewhere after November.
Now that would be change I can believe in!