Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
I thought that back in February...with Bill Clinton being considered for S.o.S.

No, Edwards will provide some bonafides for the white wqking class. Yeah he's rich and all but, his accent and story plays pretty well among the good ol' boys. I think that Edwards will end up in some cabinet level and/or party emeritus position where he can advance his workinbg poor agenda. It's a win/win and just rings the death knell that uch louder for Hillary.

I think the best choice for VP with Obama would be Chuck Hagel(sp?).

Yep. you're on my wavelength. Hagel or Strickland would make ideal choices for VP.

Hagel obviously would be the most symbolically devastating to the GOP though. and it would be a nice counter to the inevitable Lieberman pretending he's still a Democrat at the GOP convention, much like crazy old confederate Zell Miller was in '04.

as for Edwards. It's about time but it's certainly welcome. As are his delegates. not that they're not already gravitating towards Obama. Before this, obama has already increased his superdelegate lead to 10 by picking 2 endorsements today. Edwards adding the party bigwig finality to Hillary's dwindling hopes (has to win over 90% of the supers to have a chance??) to win this race only speeds it along.