Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
But MEM...how is there ANY realiatic way that Hillary wins the nomination?

What people are sayong iss that, short of some catastrophic gaffe or some super negative piece of information that makes Rev. Wright look like a tea party, there is no way the numbers work for her to win the nom. Short of the superdelegates taking it away...which ain't gonna happen...the math does not work.

The electoral math doesn't work at all for Obama though. And while she's not going to be able to end with more pledged delegates, she does have a chance at having a claim on the popular vote. I do think she needs the popular vote to give the superdelegates some shelter to pick her but the real reason would be that they know Obama can't win the electoral college in a general election. Really what can he pick up to make up for all the swing states that he won't be able to win in a general?

Fair play!