Obama expects more scrutiny of McCain

Posted: Sunday, May 18, 2008 5:14 PM by Mark Murray
Filed Under: 2008, McCain, Obama

From NBC/NJ's Athena Jones
GRESHAM, OR -- McCain will be getting his fair share of scrutiny from the press, his potential general-election rival Obama said here today.

During an event with mostly senior citizens, Obama was asked why the presumptive Republican nominee had not had to deal with much media scrutiny on issues like the Keating Five scandal. The voter felt the Illinois senator’s past had gotten all the focus. Obama said he thought part of the reason was that McCain’s candidacy had been written off several months ago, but that he had been able to come back and wrap up the nomination relatively early in the primary season, and that much of the focus had been on the exciting Democratic race.

“I would expect that the press will submit him to the same scrutiny that they are submitting me -- and if they don’t, I’ll have them talk to you because I can tell you would object,” he said. “I think people will lift the hood and kick the tires with John McCain, just like they do with me and just like they’ve done with Sen. Clinton. I think you’re applying for the presidency of the United States of America, then by definition you have given up your privacy and basically I think people are gonna want to know what you’ve done in your life and what you stand for.”

A primary reason I wouldn't vote for Obama is that he hasn't been around long enough to be scrutinized properly. The press in general has given him a pass on the little bit there is to look at. Plus it's annoying that he's acting like MCain somehow has managed to escape scrutiny. Considering McCain has been in the senate & has ran for President before it's just dumb to treat him like he's never been scrutinized.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2008-05-18 8:27 PM.

Fair play!