well if rush limbaugh's says so then it must be true. could you please also link us to when he said the 13 year old chelsea clinton looked like a dog.
and aside from george w. bush who's father was president exactly how often is it considered appropriate to talk about the candidate's parents or spouse?
and while i understand that you GOPers like to have the simplest arguments possible, but is it really fair to judge a preacher's 20 years and many millions of words on like 10 words and 15 seconds?
and is he "friends" with terrorists or is he simply open to talking diplomatically with governments who in the past have supported some terrorist actions?
i mean it's not like he wants to sell arms to Iran to help fund some murdering contras. and he probably won't be declaring war on a guy he shook hands with only a few decades earlier (and then sold mustard gas to).

Bow ties are coool.