Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
I think that's why she has fought so long, so in '12 when she goes up against McCain no one will try and challenge her for the nomination...

Actually I think it's a given that she will be strongly challenged in a '12 run. Obama for starters, no matter how bad he loses the general would almost certainley be back.

I think she's mostly fighting because she still has a chance at getting the nomination however slim. That & the fighter image is really a part of who she is.

If Obama loses the general, he won't be back. You know that Dems don't give you another cahnce if you lose.

Without some heinous scandal or serious misstep on Obama's part, she can't win. Doesn't matter how she tries to spin the numbers. Doesn't matter that she wants the rules changed re: Fl and MI delegates. Doesn't matter that her so-called popular vote lead doesn't count the caucus states and counts the votes in FL/MI. The woman is very intelligent and she must know that.

The argument has been made that she had to stay in because it was obvious that she was going to win WV and KY whether she was in the race or not. It would be that much more embarrassing for him to lose if she weren't even in the race any longer. Staying in thru today actually helps Obama...it kind of gave him an excuse to not campaign in either state, though I think it is the most serious mistake in what has been a masterful campaign to this point. He's been able to focus on McCain and the general while Hillary drums support for the Democrats that...if she will actually legitimately campaign for him...could be useful in November.

The fighting image is a boondoggle...what she's really doing is laying the foundation for her 2012 campaign. I think she'll try to run even if Obama becomes the best 1st term president in history.

She won't run in '12 if Obama somehow manages the impossable & wins a general. That's the type of thing only someone like Ted Kennedy would & did do.

Obama has been focussing on McCain to draw attention away from his huge losses. These state like the other swing states are not going to be winnable no matter how much he fights for them. Since the media has already corronated him he can afford to play it this way. And the problem with talking about the delegate math is that it's glossed over that his higher number is due to lopsided wins in states he has no chance of winning in a general election.

BTW lets not kid ourselves about Florida & Michigan. Their only being kept out because they mess up Obama's chances at the nomination. Arguements about how they need to be punished & rules will be quickly abandoned by Obama supporters if he gets the nomination or Hillary drops out, count on it. That's not going to make many Hillary supporters happy either IMHO.

I guess we also dissagree about Obama running again but I think time will prove me right on that one too.

Fair play!