Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Obama has been focussing on McCain to draw attention away from his huge losses.

These state like the other swing states are not going to be winnable no matter how much he fights for them. Since the media has already corronated him he can afford to play it this way. And the problem with talking about the delegate math is that it's glossed over that his higher number is due to lopsided wins in states he has no chance of winning in a general election.

BTW lets not kid ourselves about Florida & Michigan. Their only being kept out because they mess up Obama's chances at the nomination. Arguements about how they need to be punished & rules will be quickly abandoned by Obama supporters if he gets the nomination or Hillary drops out, count on it. That's not going to make many Hillary supporters happy either IMHO.

I guess we also dissagree about Obama running again but I think time will prove me right on that one too.

It's a conspiracy!

Or you're fucking high.

Obama has been focusing on McCain because he's trying to make up for Hillary wasting all our time and letting McCain gain an advantage by running basically unopposed thanks to Hillary refusing to drop out even though she has no realistic chance of winning.

BTW, over the weekend Obama picked up 10 supers, Hill only 3. But I suppose that's a conspiracy too.

As far as the media, perhaps they are focused on obama VS McCain because they too live in reality and can count. Real math, not Hillary math.