Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
Halo...I'd stop now if I were you.

You served up a fastball straight down the middle and Joe crushed it. Deal with it. Hit the showers, shake it off and come back another day.

You trying to defend yourself is making you look that much more pathetic. I find this whole war vaguely amusing but, mostly inane and mind numbingly dull.

However, on the few occasions where I've laughed out loud, Joe was the reason...he's killing you guys all by himself and he shows no signs of slowing down.

You can't win. Hell, the toothbrush gagging statement did half Joe's work for him. He barely had to try on that one. I advise you go to a board where the posters don't live to crush the souls of the slow witted. Then you can practice/sharpen whatever skills you have and return armed with something genuinely funny.

Until then, you appear to be in way over your head.

Just trying to look out for ya, playa...do whatever you want.

Joe thinking that brushing teeth equates blowjobs is clever to you? Are you mental? He's obviously fabricating this and you are jumping on his dick? Are you serious?

It's this kind of idiocy that makes you whores easy targets.

halo...I'm not in this war. I am a barely interested bystander. Since you boys and (allegedly) alts of whomod have disrupted most of the relatively intelligent conversation here I've been reading various threads and, in most of them, Joe has had the upper hand.

It seems that both sides of this war basically just call each other variations of gay or bitches..which is boring as hell. But Joe has had the funnier lines on a consistant basis. He also doesn't waste time trying to defend a weak statement or explain something he posted 3 pages ago. As a matter of fact, even G-Man and Doc are raping you boys and they aren't even close to being as evil as Joe. When bsams and Nowie get here, I'm not even gonna read this stuff anymore...it'll be too heinous even for me.

The only dick I swing on is my own. You don't know me so I won't hold you responsible for such an assinine statement. Joe's ego is such that he doesn't need me to validate his work.

My comment was directed towards you cuz, to this point, I haven't seen anything posted by you or your buddies that is even remotely clever or brutal enough to illicit any response other than a point-and-laugh or sadly-shakes-head.

I don't have anything against you. I don't know you nor do I care to. I'm just trying to let you know what you obviously can't see:


You should probably change your name to Hillary...

Excuse me if I don't take your word for it. All Joe has done is run around saying "I win" and calling us gay. We've been far more versatile. If you don't see that, then I don't really care what you think. If you think brushing teeth equals giving a blow job then I REALLY don't care what you think.