Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Hillary today reportedly invoked Bobby Kennedy's June assassination as reason it's too early for her to concede in May

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don't understand it," she said, dismissing calls to drop out.

It's almost like some subtle call to arms for some of her appalachian crazies.

I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that she didn't really mean to hint that someone should kill Barack Hussein Obama.

However, the remark is still completely indefensible. At best, she's invoking the hypothetical assassination of a former candidate mere days after that candidate's brother was diagnosed with cancer as a wildly desperate justification for staying in the race.

If it wasn't calcuated in the way whomod theorizes, it's still so wildly insensitive and stupid as to seriously damage any remaining credibility she had as a candidate for any high political office.

I disagree that this remark "seriously damages" Hillary Clinton's remaining credibility, G-man.

While her choice of words was a bit clumsy, all she did was cite several instances, including RFK's assasination during the 1968 primary season, and her own husband Bill Clinton's unlikely comeback in 1992, where the candidate who ended up running (and in Bill Clinton's case, elected) was much less likely a candidate at the point she's at in late May of the election cycle.

Bad choice of words by Hillary, open to interpretation that she was soliciting Obama's assassination, combined with being said within days of Ted Kennedy's hospitalization. But it probably stems from the fact that she (as well as Obama and McCain) have been campaigning about 12 hours a day, relentlessly. They're all bound to make a clumsy remark here and there. If her overall point was less valid, about her comparative viability at this stage, as compared to previous elections at this time, I might judge her remarks more harshly.

But as it stands, she makes a valid point.