Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
...But as it stands, she makes a valid point.

No. The use of RFK undercuts the valid point. If, as she claims, her point was that a candidate can, by dint of hard work and increased public support, make a comeback late in the game, then the use of the Kennedy metaphor has no place in her list of examples. Eventual '68 nominee Hubert Humphrey didn't "come back" because of politics. He was nominated because the clear frontrunner-a young, popular, orator-was killed.

The only way that the Kennedy example makes sense was in the way that everyone took it: sometimes the young guy gets murdered in cold blood and the older, less popular, candidate has to step in.

At best it was a clumsy freudian slip and demonstrates what most of us have known for years: she really is a hateful bitch.

I heard a caller make an almost similar analysis last night on Mike Malloy's radio show. It's a pretty good one too BTW.

I gotta agree that it did reveal Hillary to be a fucking ghoul. I wonder if she'd care to explain why she herself feels that her or john McCain don't have to worry as much about getting assassinated themselves.

And why is that the GENUINE people who advocate real social change are the ones who end up getting dead in this country?

I honestly think that after this, the clock really is ticking. Obama is almost there anyways so her threats of taking it to the convention will soon be rendered moot anyways i think. Once the primaries are finally over the superdelegates will move. In Obama's direction for the most part.

I'm even expecting Hillary to lose delegates. Many people who in the past have supported the long list that Olbermann outlined of forgivable Hillary actions, may think this is the last straw.