Well, this puts a dent in the idea that Obama is seen as the elitist of the 2 candidates. When McCain can't even remember if he owns 7 or 8 homes and fishes in his own private man-made lake in his spare time, who really is the elitist, eh?

More Americans would picnic with Obama: poll

Fri May 23, 3:34 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - More American voters would enjoy a picnic with Democratic White House hopeful Barack Obama than his rival Hillary Clinton, or Republican presidential contender John McCain, a poll said Friday.

Asked by Quinnipiac University which candidate they would prefer to picnic with on the holiday weekend marking Memorial Day on May 26, 35 percent chose Obama, 32 percent picked McCain and 27 percent said Clinton.

Beyond its anecdotal value, the poll suggests good news for Obama, who has been accused by critics of being too elitist and cut off from the average American.

The survey also showed that for 77 percent of the electorate, a candidate with a "likeable personality" was "very important" or "somewhat important."

"Senator Hillary Clinton has downed a few shots and beers recently to show she's a regular gal, but American voters would rather hang out with the guys," said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

The survey was taken May 8-12 and sampled 1,745 people. It had a margin of error of 2.4 percent.

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama, speaks during a Cuban Independence Day Celebration at the InterContinental Hotel in Miami, Florida. More American voters would enjoy a picnic with Obama than his rival Hillary Clinton, or Republican presidential contender John McCain, a poll said Friday.