Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I think it's unlikely at this point,though, that the Democrats will choose Hillary over Obama.

The Dems don't want to risk alienating their most loyal voter-base, black voters, who have voted 90% Democrat in every election since the 1960s.

Nothing short of a total political evisceration could leverage Obama aside.
And I don't see that happening.

Which is good news for McCain, and for the millions who would choose McCain over Obama.

So The Democrats will nominate Obama

Not because has the most pledged delegates.

Not because he has the most superdelegates

Not because he won the most states.

Not because he has a better campaign apparatus.

Not because he had the better strategy to win all of the above.

Not because he is flush with more cash from the grass roots that is seemingly endless rather than relying on big donors and lobbyists.

No, according to Wonder Boy, they will nominate him because they don't want to piss off black people.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I notice you left off that he doesn't have the most votes cast for him Whomod.

But hey whatever, if the party nominates Obama I'll vote for McCain.

I've seen many pundits point out that if each state primary for Democrats was "winner take all" like it is for the Republicans, that Hillary would have decisively been the nominee months ago, regardless of what you say.

What you fail to grasp, Whomod, is that Obama, while struggling to beat Hillary as the Democrat nominee, is less favored in the general election.

What I'm saying is that Hillary is just as strong a contender as Obama, barely 150 or so delegate points apart, and the way Democrats have viciously trashed her and disowned her, for not dropping out prematurely, is stupid.
They may need her later.