I thought Pro's previous visit to the secret forum was the peak of this thing, but Zzap's new post is actually better:

(I'm gonna address them directly since I know they're reading this) (HI ZZAP!)


I’m out. I’m sorry, but if you can’t follow simple instructions like don’t go over there and post; just do reconnaissance, then there’s very little I can do to be effective as a leader.

How about this: Don't be a pussy and came raid us with all you got. Don't worry about looking stupid. Gob knows we don't!

As some of you know, I had my friend, Rick Poulin, sign up at a gay website called JustUsBoys as Britneyspearsatemyshorts and start posting some really nasty shit. He was going to recruit several of his friends and have them sign on as rex, Captain Sammitch, Joe Mama, and others and have basically a huge bukkake fest on Rob. I’m talking photos, the works.

First of all: Who were they hoping to fool with that? Were they expecting us to go "OH NO! BSMAS POSTS IN A GAY FORUM! OH NO, WAIT! LOOK! I DO TOO! OH NOO" Or was this about "making us look foolish"? They should stop worrying so much about appareances and concentrate on, you know, actually winning.

Secondly: Well, at least you got photos out of it!

I contacted Starman and he agreed to help us. He used to be a member of Rob’s boards but had no allegiance to them and basically called them all a bunch of pricks. Starman is an incredibly bright guy and would have run rings around any and every person they have there. He would have filleted them without them even knowing it.

I guess he's the only thing you guys have left now, since you're all too ashamed to come back. \:\(

They jump on us for betraying our values (i.e. “breaking” us), but they did the EXACT same thing, and I don’t think we did betray our values. Here’s what I mean: They claim to be a board with complete and total free speech, yet the alter posts, delete sigs, delete posts and a host of other “censorship” related things.

Ok, you said we did "the EXACT same thing", that is, "betray our values"... Thing is, we ain't got values around here! Isn't that why you're raiding us?

Absolutely NOTHING like that was done at the Insurgency.

Oh, no, you only hacked the account of a member who didn't break any rules after you specifically said you wouldn't.

Zzap's tone is pretty defensive there(, Grimmers). I guess my comment about them being hypocrites really got to him. Well, let me clarify: I don't think it's wrong that you come here and do things you wouldn't do at your own board. I just think it's fucking funny.

Here’s an example, apparently Rob is actually gay.

That reminds me, robbie... when are you gonna tell your fiancee about that? You know, the extremely hot chick who makes you look like a smurf when you stand together?

So, as their leader, they’re subservient to a gay man?

Good thing he's not black or jewish! Phew!

Same as the paragraph above; according to their own rules, they “broke” themselves without our having to do a thing except post about them. POUND ON THEIR HYPOCRISY.

Friendly advice: really don't think it'd do you any good to bring up that subject.

That “rex” person is gender confused; everyone refers to him as a “guy” yet in a post he told me straight out that he’s a girl.

Also, he has a black daddy. Race confusion? POUND THEM ON THAT.

They all rag on Snarf; join them.

But Zzap! If you join us or anything or be nice to us or have any fun at all, you'll all look foolish! WE CANNOT HAVE THAT!


What are you doing during those long, long hours of "recon"? Really? Surfing Wikipedia? Watching MSFT3K clips on Youtube? Because you clearly haven't done your homework, dude.

They keep mentioning all the money we’re generating for Rob. WHO THE FUCK CARES?

Uh, Rob?

Tell them you’re there to support your friend and fellow Insurgent, whomod. Grab the moral highground. Challenge them as fathers/mothers or sons/daughters about how they would feel if the positions were turned.

You mean like what you did with your "Mommy" ID? Whoops, so much for moral highground!

They tell you they couldn’t care less if someone made a post as “bsamsdaughter”; call them fucking liars and ask them what they do care about if it isn’t family? What, I ask you, is a good response to that? I don’t see one.

How about actual-family, as opposed to pretend-internet-family?

I can't speak for everyone here, but most of us don't do things that we wouldn't want other people to do to us. That's why we don't have a big problem with this raid: shit, we deserve much worse! Also, I'm not big on mocking families, but I don't get what's the big deal about it either. I mean, let's say I call your mother a whore. You know she's not a whore. I know she's not a whore. Why the fuck would you let that annoy you? I've never been able to understand that.

Sikk, Iggy, I’ve got absolutely NO idea what you hope to gain by infiltrating them. At some opportune moment they’re going to expose a weakness and you’ll pounce on the opportunity? IMHO that’s unlikely at best. Besides, that’s already been exposed as part of our plan.

Yeah, I don't get that either. We have no secret passwords or anything, so what could anyone possibly get by "infiltrating" us? So I say we might as well get along with those guys! \:\)

You are NEVER going to win anything

You're getting desperate. DON'T GIVE UP HOPE, ZZAP!

I literally spent two days last week in my office not working like I should have been, but doing my best to get things together. Now my project is behind schedule

That's funny...

On last Wednesday morning, the father of a friend of mine passed away. He was a brilliant theoretical physicist whose work was developing mathematical formulas to accurately determine the size of craters caused by various types of nuclear explosives. I’d only met him a few times, but he was obviously a genius and a dear man. In the Jewish religion we have a 7 day period of mourning called Shivah and I’ve been going back and forth between my house, my friend’s house, her mother’s house and my office and logging in from various computers to keep track while taking part in the minyan’s (12 Jewish men all praying for the dead at the same time). Instead of enjoying my three day weekend and doing things I intended to, I spent virtually every available minute posting or planning.

...and that is not

Get off the computer and go be with your friend, you shit.

Besides, I’m concerned over the inevitable retaliation at the Insurgency.

Retaliation for what? Giving new life to our boards? Bringing back inactive posters? You're right, that DOES piss me off! We're gonna go over there AND GENERATE SHITLOADS OF MONEY FOR YOU, YOU FUCKERS!