Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
oh no not sikkbone!

wait isnt he one of the people we made look like an idiot? yes, i believe he was!

how and when did you make me look like an idiot when i've been busy harrassing you and the rest of the mental midget majority over here?

Wait...I thought someone had "stolen" your ID over there and had "replaced" you?

He lied, stupid. Get with the program.

OHS NOES! I've been duped!

Basams! What do I do? They tricked me! I could not see through their cunning plan and now I will be defeated in a poll! WHHHHYYYYY?????!!

Yeah chief. Like a three-year-old couldn't read the insinuation from my use of quotations. Am I going too fast for you?