Originally Posted By: Halo82
Are you really gonna make the "you keep track of what so and so says" argument with me when all you assholes linger on everything I say? If that's obsession then you really need to take a look at your fellow whores. Not to mention that just cause somebody remembers hearing (or in this case seeing) somebody say something all that means is...they have a memory.

Listen, you got fucked on this one. Take your lumps, and move on. Don't whine. Don't try to wiggle out with semantics. You don't get a recount, I busted you wide with that one, and you know it. And, btw, notice I'm addressing you, specifically, Halo? Not the mediocre girls you hang out with over on your boards. I'm talking directly to you, about you. You, however, seem to throw me into the RKMBs as a whole whenever I push you into a corner. So fucking pay attention.

Are you really that desperate that you'll accuse me of having my own world just cause I think you are full of shit? Is that what it takes for someone to not buy what you are selling? There's something wrong with a person that doesn't believe you? You're not unassailable Halo.

Corrected your post to accurately reflect reality.