I've seen many pro-Hillary delegates voice outrage at the decision, and call it a betrayal.

Hillary won by a good margin in Florida, and Obama didn't even put himself on the ballot for Michigan. So I think it's really unfair to Hillary for the delegates to be split almost 50/50, where it doesn't accurately reflect how favored Hillary was in those two states. It smacks of bias for Obama from the DNC inner circle.

But then, so does the media's calling the election for Obama 3 months ago, and calling Hillary "mean" and "divisive" for simply exploring the options open to her as a still-VERY-viable candidate.

After Puerto Rico votes overwhelmingly for Hillary, she will again be within 150 or so delegates of Obama, as she's remained for 3 months. And that margin would be even closer, if a more fairly proportionate decision were made by the DNC, proportionate to the votes Hillary EARNED, rather than this decision that just demonstrates an Obama bias within the DNC, rather than will of Democrat primary voters.

And since Puerto Rico is 100% hispanic, and not West Virginia or Kentucky, how will the Obama people spin this as racist, without themselves being guilty of racist-stereotyping of Puerto Ricans?