Unlike you, Whomod, Pat Buchanan has unleashed strong criticism of all 3 candidates (and I've posted Buchanan's columns critical of McCain, Hillary and Obama).

So don't try to tell me what I clearly already know and have posted.

I have reservations about McCain. And unlike yourself, I seriously consider what the other party has to offer, despite being a self-identified Republican.

The bottom line is, while McCain is not my Republican of choice on many issues, he's still a more sane choice than what Obama has to offer, on fulfilling our commitment in Iraq, on reducing our deficit, on not raising taxes.

Conversely, you --in lying partisan fashion-- list McCain's gaffs, but constantly gloss over Obama's verbal gaffs, and Obama's larger lapses of good judgement.

So McCain summarized a few minor details of recent events with less than full accuracy. So what? He's not a news reporter.
On Iraq as a whole, McCain is the ONLY candidate who correctly advocated the surge in Iraq, and the ONLY candidate who doesn't advocate immediate withdrawal, and reversing all the gains we've made in the last year.

You'd clearly rather have an ultraliberal who hangs out with anti-American fanatics, black racists, and advocates unilaterally invading Pakistan, in the same breath he criticizes invading Iraq.

Or are we talking about the months where Obama thought it was a good idea Bush invaded Iraq? Since Obama has been on both sides of the issue, you can choose whichever you think more conveniently represents "good judgement".
I guess raising taxes and expanding social programs is "good judgement" too.