Clinton to superdelegates: I will win
4 hours ago
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AFP) — Hillary Clinton used the springboard of a hefty win in Sunday's Puerto Rico primary to demand that party elders crown her, and not Barack Obama, as the Democrats' best bet to seize back the White House.
However, Obama remained in sight of the Democratic presidential nomination after a fractious deal on Florida and Michigan struck at the weekend, ahead of Tuesday's climactic contests in Montana and South Dakota.
With 85 percent of the vote counted on the Caribbean US territory of Puerto Rico, Clinton was far ahead of her rival from Illinois with 68 percent to 32, according to US television networks.
In her victory speech, Clinton pivoted from thanking Puerto Ricans -- who are US citizens but lack a vote in November's election -- to addressing the single most important Democratic constituency left: "superdelegates."
"I will lead the popular vote. He (Obama) will maintain a lead in the delegate count," she said, anticipating Tuesday's finish to five months of coast-to-coast nominating battles.
"I ask you to consider these questions -- which candidate best represents the will of the people who voted in this historic primary? Which candidate is best able to lead to us victory in November?" she told superdelegates.
"And which candidate is best able to lead our nation as our president in the face of unprecedented challenges at home and abroad? I am in this race because I believe I am that candidate, and I will be that president."
CNN exit polls said that 72 percent of Clinton supporters in Puerto Rico would be unhappy with Obama as the Democratic nominee, reinforcing other polling evidence suggesting the party is at risk of fracture.

Yet another lopsided win for Hillary. And depending on the voter turnout will cement her claim to the popular vote winner. It's too bad that it looks like the superdelegates seem settled into just giving Obama the nomination. I said it a little while back but maybe not getting the nomination this time will end up working better for her in the long run though.

Fair play!