Originally Posted By: MEM

Yet another lopsided win for Hillary. And depending on the voter turnout will cement her claim to the popular vote winner.

Are you sure about that?

  • When it comes to the popular vote, Obama actually leads Clinton by nearly 450,000 votes in primaries and caucuses where delegates were at stake. That doesn’t include caucuses in Iowa, Nevada, Washington, Maine and Texas, where party officials did not report any popular vote breakdown between the two candidates. Obama won all of those caucuses except Nevada.

    Clinton claims the popular vote lead by including the results from Michigan and Florida, where no delegates were initially at stake. All Democratic candidates agreed not to campaign in those states, and Obama removed his name from the Michigan primary ballot. When the Michigan and Florida results are included, along with the nonbinding results in primaries in Washington, Nebraska and Idaho, Clinton has a 126,553 vote lead out of more than 35 million votes cast.

    Puerto Rico is not part of the electoral college in the general election, so a victory there would do little for Clinton’s argument that she’s the better candidate for a general election.

Sounds to me like neither of them has a clear majority of the popular vote.