Associated Press:
  • Clinton appeared ready to bow to the inevitable and spare the party an even more protracted fight.

    Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe said Tuesday that once Obama gets the majority of convention delegates, “I think Hillary Clinton will congratulate him and call him the nominee.”

    The outcome could come by the end of the day with some choreography by the party’s superdelegates. The party insiders were lining up behind Obama at a rate that could seal the nomination once results are in from Montana and South Dakota — or even before.

    Clinton, once seen as a sure bet in her historic quest to become the first female president, was still pressing the superdelegates to support her fading candidacy. But McAuliffe indicated she was not inclined to drag out a dispute over delegates from the unsanctioned Michigan primary despite feeling shortchanged by a weekend compromise by the party’s rules committee that she could still appeal to a higher level.

    “I don’t think she’s going to go to the credentials committee,” he said on NBC’s “Today” show. Taking the matter to that committee would essentially extend the dispute into the convention and deny Democrats the unity they sorely want to achieve against Republican John McCain.