Originally Posted By: rex
There's been no trouble with it at all. I'm still reading reviews saying that the PS3 is still the best blu-ray player around. Since it has a hard drive you can always update to the lately software and the price is still lower than most plain blu-ray players.

Yeah, the PS3 has already had an update to blu ray version 2, and as most people connect them to the net, it will allow you to use the extra features on the v2 blu ray discs.
I must admit, I dont really care much for blu ray at this time based on price of discs, and dont really use it for DVDs, but I have never had the synching problem that the PS2 had.

I have heard though, that there are some stand alone multi region players surfacing already.
I doubt they are very cheap though.

At this moment in time, I would say a DVD player with HDMI upscaling is more than adequate!

(I really hope nowie doesn't see this and think I like him now.)

Dont worry, I still dont like you either!