Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

How did it do that MEM.

Both states broke the rules. Both states were hard and both states received resolution.

A part of me honestly wants Obama to pressure the DNC to seat the delegates 100% just so Hillary supporters would stop grasping at straws already. Even if he does that, IT DOESN'T MATTER. Obama is too far ahead of her anyways.

But the larger point is that they broke the rules and if no repercussions come from it, it'll only encourage other states to do likewise.

It's a given Obama will seat the delegations at 100% now that it isn't a threat to his nomination. As for tainting the nomination, two big states didn't have a say in a close race. By cutting them out it ended up helping one candidate over the other.

Only in Hillary's twisted mathematics. Come back to reality MEM. It's ok. Most of the analysts were including Michigan and Florida in their scenarios for a theoretical Hillary win and they were all saying that it didn't matter. This race was lost a long time ago and if anything, the media and the DNC + the supers in not deciding helped delude Hillary and her supporters and let them continue on when they should have by all rights dropped out on account of there being no path to victory..


If those state's primaries had been in play it could have dramatically changed how the process played out. Florida would have certainly been another big state win for Hillary that would have given her a boost early on when it mattered most.

By punishing the voters who were not at fault, well you can talk about rules & feel good about them since it gave you the desired results, whatever but it's not going to make it OK for the Hillary supporter in Michigan who voted for who they wanted to in an official state primary & then have it erased to help the guy who removed his name off the ballot on purpose.

Michigan itself came out with the ratio to split the delegates. Not the DNC and not Obama. So take it up with Michigan.
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No, some people from Michigan came up with that plan. You can pretend that everyone in the state liked the idea but that doesn't help Obama in a general where he doesn't get to take his name off the ballot & then have his party assign delegates to him later.

Fair play!