Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: rex

A war on terror means killing terrorists. That is what we are doing in Iraq. The only thing bush did wrong was to not send enough troops in in the first place. Killing terrorists is always justifiable.

Boiled down to simple nonsense. Look, if you don't pay attention that's your problem. I guarantee that McCain saying that uninformed stupidity would have him laughed out of Washington. Don't confuse ignorance with reality.

Just shut the hell up. Now you think terrorists should be allowed to live? Should we all get together and sing campfire songs? Let me guess, you're one of the ones that think obama is muslim and thats why we should all vote for him.

Thanks for completely skipping the second part of my post. I'll take that as you agrees completely with it.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.