Obama, Political Viagra
Now is when you get worried.
By Mark Steyn
The short version of the Democratic-party primary campaign is that the media fell in love with Barack Obama but the Democratic electorate declined to. “I felt this thrill going up my leg,” said MSNBC’s Chris Matthews after one of the senator’s speeches. “I mean, I don’t have that too often.” Au contraire, Chris and the rest of the gang seem to be getting the old tingle up the thigh hairs on a nightly basis. If Obama is political Viagra, the media are at that stage in the ad where the announcer warns that, if leg tingles persist for over six months, see your doctor.
Out there in the voting booths, however, Democrat legs stayed admirably unthrilled. The more the media told Hillary she was toast and she should get the hell out of it and let Obama romp to victory, the more Democrats insisted on voting for her. The more the media insisted Barack was inevitable, the less inclined the voters were to get with the program. On the strength of Chris Matthews’s vibrating calves, Sen. Obama raised a ton of money — over $300 million — and massively outspent Senator Clinton, but he didn’t really get any bang for his buck. In the end, he crawled over the finish line. The Obama Express came a-hurtlin’ down the track at two miles an hour.
National Review

We could be headed into one of those pre-Clinton general elections where the GOP candidate wins most of the states IMHO. When Karl Rove presented his electoral map the media in general ignored what he was saying & the real story for them was that Rove was seen as aiding Hillary. Yet once you cut through the rhetoric & bs, it still comes down to the voters & the signs don't look good for Obama. The South Dakota loss in particular was a state he was set to win. He lost it by double digits from Hillary who's campaign had been pronounced dead for quite some time.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2008-06-07 1:16 PM.

Fair play!