Soviets.. traitors, militants... commies.... appeasers...Islamists....reds....anti-Amercans...etc. etc.

Ah so many idiotic insults, so little time...

No. Adult Democrats vote for the candidate that best reflects their views, not run to the candidate that isn't the guy that beat the one they wanted to win. They don't run to the guy having a platform that is 360 degrees the opposite of the candidate they were enthusiastically supporting supposedly because of her views.


But never let it be said that Wonder Boy passed up an opportunity to use the dumb language that old extremist John Birchers use against everyone not like them to explain way why everyone is against them.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod

Y'know, MEM, if you're so hurt and angry about Hilary not getting her way that you now want to rally around McCain, oh well. I'm sure the gOP will be a great place for you and gay rights, health care, the economy, Iraq etc. etc.

It is so what Hllary's platform was all about and

Children do this kind of stuff. Adults go on with their lives and get over it. Had it been the other way around, I would have enthusiastically supported Clinton, despite her many flaws and character issues. Because it beats 4 more years. And i've consistently said as much.

So... "adult" Democrats behave like automatons and mindlessly vote for whoever the Democrat candidate is?

More socialist rationalization from one of liberalism's most irrational spokespersons. Way to go, Whomod.

If you had your way, we'd be re-made in the Soviet image, and anyone who disagreed with you would be slandered, humiliated, jailed or executed.

All power to the Soviets !!