Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Yeah, I agree. I doubt it will go away, mind you. That's just common corporate media formula. But, I'm hoping Moffat will sort of subdue it...

i don't mind love stories like this and the girl in the fireplace. really tragic and no real mush works well. i think it's understandable to have more now than past Doctors simply because Tennant is the first young and dashing Doctor. The others were older men or had personality problems that would keep women away. I notice that the recurring theme is that many women are smitten with this Doctor but only rarely does he actually respond to the affections.

Agreed. I've always thought of the 8th Doctor (McGann) as being the Lord Byron-like 'romantic' Doctor, while Tennant is the more modern 'pretty-boy lover' Doctor.

Also agreed that from Doc 7, back, he was pretty sexless. That could amusingly be explained away that he was too young. But, I also like to read into the idea that maybe the loss of a family and wife might have been one of the reasons he originally fled Gallifrey. The loss itself could also have been what kept romance and sex at bay for him for so long. Maybe he's just now in that period of his life where he's "getting over it" and starting to see romance and love where before he couldn't bring himself to acknowledge?

All fun conjecture. \:\)

USCHI!! Next Friday has a good Who episode. I really think you, of all people, will dig the time period. But, definitely catch Who on SciFi in two weeks. It's a fucking good episode...