Lesbos islanders go to court in bid to reclaim the word lesbian

An attempt to stop homosexual women calling themselves lesbians begins in Athens today with a court hearing that comes amid growing national debate over gay rights in one of Europe's most socially conservative countries.

The hearing has been initiated by plaintiffs on the Aegean island of Lesbos, who say they are unhappy that gay women have "usurped" a term that locals claim should have only geographical connotations.

"We are very upset that, worldwide, women who like women have appropriated the name of our island," said Dimitris Lambrou, a magazine publisher who is one of those bringing the complaint with other islanders. "Until 1924, according to the Oxford English dictionary, a Lesbian was a native of our isle," he said. "Now, because of its new connotations, our womenfolk are unable to call themselves such and that is wrong."

The hearing coincides with a highly charged national debate over gay rights. Lambrou insists he has "nothing against lesbians" who flock to Eressos - a resort on the island that is famed as the birthplace of the 5th century BC poet Sappho - and whose contribution to the local economy has been considerable.

But human rights campaigners say the court action has been motivated by barely disguised homophobia in a nation that remains reluctant to accept gay people. "No other group faces such discrimination in this country," said Grigoris Valianatos, a long-time homosexual rights advocate.

"The [Orthodox] church is literally out of control in its approach towards us, the media full of hate speech and the conservative government both hypocritical and indifferent," he said. "This trial is a reflection of the homophobia that prevails in Greece."

On Saturday police intervened when members of the far-right Golden Dawn group attacked gay pride marchers in the biggest ever Gay Pride parade in Athens. Thousands of supporters marched through the capital chanting "it is our right", but were pelted with eggs, flour and yoghurt by the group.

The increased visibility of gay people - including the first marriages between two lesbians and two gay men last week - has been met with consternation by some, with the ruling conservatives holding emergency talks to deal with the issue.

Unlike most other EU member states, where same-sex couples are accorded a degree of civil rights, lesbians and gay people in Greece have fought an uphill battle for acceptance.

While their ancient forebears immortalised their homoeroticism, modern Greeks have taken a dimmer view of publicising their sexual orientation. To date no politician of any persuasion has come out. Defying EU directives, the Greek military remains opposed to accepting gay people in its ranks.