Stuttering Barack:
  • watching Obama stammer his way through a press conference today when he was asked about [VP search team member Jim Johnson's ties to mortgage companies Countrywide Financial and Fannie Mae], as well as about the fact that another member of his team, Eric Holder, was involved in Bill Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich, I was reminded of how poorly the typically eloquent Obama holds up to actual scrutiny.

    Bumbling his way through an answer, Obama said it was a "game" to bring up such relationships, that he wouldn't hire a "vetter to vet the vetters," and most oddly, that Johnson and Horder weren't even working for him--even though they are helping him find a VP.

And, look, there's a YouTube video of Obama stammering and stuttering through an unscripted statement:

Poor Obama. Under the whomod standards, he's now proven to be a senile idiot, in bed with big corporate lobbyists.