Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap

And a new challenger steps up to the plate.

Before I engage you, I sincerely encourage you to look around and make an informed decision as to whether you really want to get between rexy and I.

First off, I just like making fun of you guys cause you make it easy. Especially since you people came to us to defend someone who had a meltdown here some time back. I'm not going to get in between anything. I can't stand rex either. Several of us can't, nothing secret about it.

 Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap

Actually, I have a better question for you. Do you think rex stepped over a line with his whacky shenanigans?

He has wacky shenanigans?

 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Trust me on this, nobody here has a problem making fun of rex to his face.

Or to his monitor.

Yeah, he goes away when I turn off my browser. He lives on these boards. He even had a tent out back until it blew away.